Friday, July 29, 2011

In High Cotton

I started this series of small watercolors using a ceramic baby chick.  The name comes from a local shop where I used to work part-time. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

"Red Suit"

Here's another East Beach scene from St. Simons Island. I think this lady in the red suit is contented just to get her toes wet on such a beautiful day.
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Friday, July 15, 2011

Beadboard Flag

You can make one of these flags easily to hang in any room of your home or vacation place. The theme can be adapted to any location. Materials: rectangular piece of beadboard, glue gun, acrylic paints, small stretched canvas, brushes, sandpaper, rope and other found objects. Attach hanging wire and hooks on the back.
Directions: Mark off a section where you would find stars on the flag. Paint it a color from your color scheme. Paint a smaller canvas that can decorate this area. Hot glue objects like seashells, flattened bottle caps, curly wire, anything that might have sentimental meaning or that is decorative. Hot glue the canvas to the beadboard. Paint the horizontal stripes of beadboard in different repeating colors. When it is dry have ready a set of words and phrases that describe your family, the beach, the mountains, lake, for wherever you will hang this. Thin out the acrylic paint you choose with some water and simply write the words across each line. They can run off the board, it doesn't matter. When it is dry, take sandpaper and rub it to give it a distressed look. Use a length of rope with a knot at each end to hot glue onto the left side of the flag. There you have a great piece of art to hang on your wall!
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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Where do We Eat Tonight?

Serious conversation on the beach ALWAYS involves planning the next meal out!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Magic Potions

The bottle in this watercolor is French.  Anything written in French is magical right?  Do you think all those lotions and creams we buy really help with those wrinkles?  I sure hope so!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Life on East Beach, St. Simons Island

This watercolor reminds me of the good times my friends and I have every summer on East Beach on St. Simons Island.  This piece is one of the first paintings I sold on the island at Parker Gallery.